To Bridgette, who already unmatched me,

And rightfully so. I didn’t mean it. Hinge said We were “Most Compatible”. Why?

And rightfully so. I didn’t mean it. Hinge said
We were “Most Compatible”. Why? You live in the
Same neighborhood. It was a Friday night, and I
Was a lone. Bored but not really. Just finished a
Good cry at the end of Stranger Things, so my
Heart had that opening that feels good in the
Light, but at night it has lots of room for echo.
A vacant apartment, no life no furniture to absorb
The sounds of people sitting and talking together.
Try to fill that with something, anything, anyone.

Bridgette, you are a game to me, we both play it
But i’m better at it, which means I’m worse at
The real thing. You were nearby and had a picture
With your dog and I thought of it in this long evening
Of amateur fireworks and made a reach to check on the
Little guy. Hope he’s okay! I also love to cook and watch
Horror movies not alone. There, what a good match we are.

And you responded. Were you also on the couch at that moment?
Were you also in the game? What did you think when I jumped on
That notification and sent a message? Would you actually tell me
At this point? Given how I shut down at your response. You
Responded too quickly. Or didn’t follow up. Or no. No.
I entreated a pets conversation but was then bored
Of it by the time you replied. I really didn’t care
Anymore about your dog’s noise aversion.

You —not you, your profile— did already
What I needed it to do. I closed it all
Back up. The heart didn’t need to
Echo any longer. I didn’t actually
Need another person, I
Decided right then,
I just ached, and
Now I’m fine.

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