Symbiosis: A Day
All this, the bird provides them.
1 A day begins as every other. Cold and hot. The gray of the world leaves.
2 The human sleeps in their room. Likewise, the bird in its perch nearby. Neither are at rest.
3 The bird sings the human awake. The human hates the bird for this. The bird disagrees, and the human loves the bird again. This is the way of all humans with their birds.
4 There is no food to sustain the human, nor water to relieve them. Their clothes are always worn. All this, the bird provides them.
5 The human has neither thought nor action on their own. The bird provides these as well.
6 A day as every other, the bird leads the human to the place of all birds and their humans. The birds convene. The humans listen. Waiting.
7 A day goes dim with night. The birds and their humans leave.
8 This is the way of all birds and their humans. This is the way of all days. Hot and cold.
9 The gray of the world returns.